Articles in the Alberta Dairy Management Series
Feeds & Feeding
Alfalfa Protein
Rumen Acidosis
Rumen-Protected Amino Acids 1. Background
Rumen Protected Amino Acids 2. Alimet® - unprotected but highly effective
The Use of Buffers in Dairy Diets
Studies of Barley Feed Quality
Barley Grain for Dairy Cattle
Condition Score Your Cows
Cereal Silages 1. Feeding values and crop yields
Cereal Silages 2. Production responses
Cereal Silages 3. Variation in feeding value among barley silage cultivars
Cereal Silages 4. Factors affecting silage intake and milk production
Monitor Silage Dry Matter Content
Adding Enzymes to Dairy Diets 1. Background
Adding Enzymes to Dairy Diets 2. Experimental results
Facts About Fats
Manipulating Milk Composition 1. The effect of feeding high concentrate rations
Manipulating Milk Composition 2. Feeding oilseeds alters fat composition
Manipulating Milk Composition 3. Feeding rumen-protected whole canola seed
Profitable Fat Feeding
Growth Hormone 1. Introduction and production responses
Growth Hormone 2. Milk safety
Hulless Barley 1. Production responses, digestibility and processing
Every Extra Pound Is Profit
How Much Do Cows Eat?
How the Cow Makes Lactose 1. Glucose from starch
Dietary Cation-Anion Balance
What Manure Can (and can't) Tell You
Feeding Rumensin® To Lactating Cows
Micronization of Full-fat Canola Seed
Fibre for Lactating Cows
How Much Fibre Is Enough?
Bypass Protein 1. Background
Bypass Protein 2. Production responses in early and late lactation
Feeding Peas to Lactating Cows
Understanding Your Feed Analysis Report
In brief: University of Alberta Dairy Research Summaries
Bacterial Silage Inoculants
Round Bale Silage
Estimating Silage Inventories
Water Requirements of Lactating Cows
Genetics & Reproduction
Getting Cows Bred 1. Preparing cows for high conception rates
Getting Cows Bred 2. Heat Detection and Insemination
Prevent Cystic Ovaries
Using Prostaglandin to Reduce Days Open
Genetic Evaluations for Production Traits
Energy and Protein Status Affect Fertility
Estrus Detection Aids - Blessings of crutches?
Timed Insemination Eliminates Heat Detection
Longevity and Burnout
Health Management
Protect Your Herd From BVD
Rewarming Chilled Calves
Johne's Disease
Laminitis and Dairy Cow Lameness
Staph Aureus and Bulk Tank Culturing
Vaccination Programs that Work
Lactation & Milk Quality
Spontaneous Oxidized Flavour in Milk
Milk Protein
Premilking Udder Preparation
Housing & Equipment
Bulk Tank Calibration
Comfortable Cows Are More Productive
Dairy Information on the Internet 1. Grab a mitt and get in the game
Stray Voltage
DHI & Herd Records
Culling Records
Lactation Curves
Profit From Monitoring Linear Scores
Milk, Standard Milk and BCA
Dairy Management Software
Adjusting Records ...the Amercan Way
Financial Management
The Value of Milk Components
$/hL or Return Over Feed Costs
What You Can Do About High Feed Costs
Plan Your Production to Year-end
What Is Quota Worth?
The Cost of Skim-Off
The Cost of Raising Replacements
305 Day Production
Acid Detergent Fibre
Acid Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen
Amino Acids
Barley Grain
Breed Class Average
Cereal Silage
Condition Scoring
Corn Grain
Crude Fat
Crude Fibre
Crude Protein
Cystic Ovaries
Degradable Intake Protein
Dietary Cation-Anion Balance
Displaced Abomasum
Dry Matter and Moisture
Dry Matter Intake of Dry Cows
Energy Estimates
Energy Partitioning
Energy Requirements - Lactation
Fat Cow Syndrome
Fats and Oils
Fatty Liver Syndrome
Fibre Requirements - Lactation
Full-fat Whole Canola Seed
Full-fat Whole Flaxseed
Growth Hormone
Hay Crop Silage
Intake of Lactation Rations
Johne's Disease
Koster Crop Tester
Micowave Oven DM Estimation
Milk Composition
Milk Fever
Milk Replacers
Mineral Requirements - Lactation
Neutral Detergent Fibre
Neutral Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen
Non-Fibre Carbohydrates
Non-Protein Nitrogen
Non-Structural Carbohydrates
Protein Requirements - Lactation
Relative Feed Value
Retained Placenta
Rumensin for Lactating Cows
Silage Inoculants
Soluble Protein
Total Mixed Rations (TMRs)
Transition Milk
Transition Rations
Udder Edema
Undegradable Intake Protein
Vitamin Requirements - Lactation
Volatile Fatty Acids
Water for Lactating Cows
Dairy Herd Improvement User Guides & Infosheets
User Guides
Cow Production Monthly Report
Monthly Herd Summary Report
Somatic Cell Count Report
Breeding Guide Plus Option
Cow Productivity Option
Lactation Curves Option
Breed Class Average
Persistency of Milk Production